

Approval Notice

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  • 如果您离开美国1年或更长时间,则在某种程度上持绿卡将不能再进入美国。
  • 如果您在另一个国家/地区居住,则您可能被认为放弃了美国永久居留权,就算您在美国以外未到一年。



Approval Notice

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在面谈过程中,官员确认申请人,了解申请表格中的问题,并为申请人提供机会来修改未正确完成的答案或自提交申请以来需要更新的内容。如果增加或修改了信息,申请人应在面试结束时重新签署申请并注明日期。有关移民面谈的详细信息,请参阅please refer to https://www.uscis.gov/policy-manual/volume-7-part-a-chapter-5



Approval Notice

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如果被申请人在美国境外,适用NVC国家签证中心处理第二步。 对于NVC处理,USCISI-130批准通知发送至国家签证中心(NVC)。 NVC将为该申请分配案件编号。当申请人的优先日期达到时,NVC将指示申请人填写DS-261表,地址选择和代理人。 (注意:如果您已经有律师,那么NVC不会指示您填写DS-261表格。)NVC将通过向申请人提供提交费用的指示来开始处理申请人的案件。支付费用后,NVC将要求申请人提交必要的移民签证文件,包括经济担保书,申请表,民事文件等。了解有关国家签证中心签证案件处理的更多信息请点击instructions 


*有效期自预定进入美国之日起六个月有效的护照。请查看instructions 以获取指导。

*美国申请人提供经济担保表格I-864I-864AI-864 EZI-864W)。

*表格Form DS-260移民签证申请书。

    *您可以预览sample DS-260样本(6.4MB)。

*两(2)张2×2照片。请参阅Photograph Requirements所需照片格式。

*申请人(F4案件中的申请人的民事文件。有关文件要求的更多具体信息,请参阅Documents the Applicant Must Submit 以了解申请人必须提交的文件,包括有关可能需要翻译的文件的信息。领事官员可能会在您的签证面试中要求提供更多信息。带上您的原始民用文件(或经核证的副本),例如出生和结婚证书,以及原始民用文件的清晰影印本,以及所有必要的翻译,以进行移民签证面试。原始文件和翻译本可以退还给您。


I-485 申请

Approval Notice

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The Second Step I-485 Application if the relatives are in US

Checklist for Immediate Relatives

  • Two passport style photographs
  • A copy of your government-issued identity document with photograph
  • A copy of your birth certificate. If it is unavailable or does not exist, submit other acceptable evidence of birth such as church, school, or medical records, and proof of unavailability or nonexistence.
  • Inspection and admission, or inspection and parole documentation (unless applying for adjustment under INA 245(i)). For more information and examples, please see the form instructions.
  • Documentation of immigrant category, such as a copy of Form I-797, Approval or Receipt Notice, for the Form I-130 filed on your behalf (unless you are filing your Form I-485 with the Form I-130 filed on your behalf)
  • Form I-864, Affidavit of Support or I-864W (if applicable)
  • Certified police and court records of all criminal charges, arrests, or convictions regardless of final disposition (if applicable)
  • Form I-601, Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility (if applicable)
  • Form I-212, Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission into the United States After Deportation or Removal (if applicable)
  • Documentation regarding J-1 and J-2 exchange visitor status (Form I-612, if applicable)
  • Form I-508, Waiver of Diplomatic Rights, Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities (if applicable)
  • Form I-566, Interagency Record of Request – A, G, or NATO Dependent Employment Authorization or Change/Adjustment to/from A, G, or NATO Status (only if you have A, G, or NATO nonimmigrant status). 
  • Form I-485 Supplement A, Adjustment of Status Under Section 245(i) (Supplement A) (if applicable)

For more information please click the link below. 


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